What is Slovene in the Palm of Your Hand (Slovenščina na dlani)?
Slovene in the Palm of Your Hand (Slovenščina na dlani) is an innovative interactive e-environment designed to enrich the teaching of Slovene in primary and secondary schools. Since it is completely freely accessible, it is also available to all other users who want to check or upgrade their language skills. Based on the most modern language technologies, the e-environment offers many exercises and tasks to help you improve your knowledge of spelling and grammar, phrasemes and proverbs, and texts. If you have any unsolved language questions, you can browse the explanations in a special tab called Knowledge. Within the Phrasemes and Proverbs tab, dictionary descriptions for selected phrasemes and proverbs are also available (FRIDA). In the Text tab, a collection of authentic written and spoken texts is available (BERTA).
Why Use Slovene in the Palm of Your Hand (Slovenščina na dlani)?
Interactivity and Flexibility
The e-environment enables direct interaction with users, gives real-time feedback on the success of solving exercises and automatically guides us between tasks and challenges. The content and complexity of the e-environment automatically adapt to our knowledge and progress.
Modern Linguistic Technology Design
The design of the e-environment is based on the tools for the automatic creation and review of exercises, which are supported by a corpus of texts and a knowledge database.
Authentic Usage Examples
The exercises and assignments are based on authentic examples of usage collected in the MAKS youth corpus, the FRIDA collection of phrasemes and proverbs, and the BERTA text collection.
From Practice to Theory
Zasnova temelji na principu od prakse k teoriji, kar pomeni, da s pomočjo reševanja praktičnih izzivov prepoznavamo svoje šibke točke in s pomočjo vaj ter razlag utrjujemo tiste vsebine, pri katerih še lahko napredujemo.
Learning Community
Slovene in the Palm of Your Hand (Slovenščina na dlani) enables the creation of a connected learning community.
Slovene in the Palm of Your Hand (Slovenščina na dlani) includes elements of gamification, such as scoring and rewarding the achieved results with badges and medals. Competing with yourself is key, as you can compare your current achievements with the previous ones and thus track your progress.
Help for Slovene Teachers
The e-environment facilitates the work of teachers in the formative monitoring of pupils or students, as it offers solution statistics and progress monitoring.
Equal Opportunities for All
The e-environment responds to the challenges of the digital age and the digitization of education. It can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, anytime. It also enables lifelong learning.
6241Who Is Slovene in the Palm of Your Hand (Slovenščina na dlani) Intended For?
For Pupils and Students
Students from the 6th grade and high school students until the end of their education; in short - all teenagers.
For the Curious
All users outside the educational system who want to check or upgrade their language skills. Individual tasks are also adapted for those whose mother tongue is not Slovene and who do not yet have a high level of command of it.
The section includes numerous grammar exercises based on authentic examples of use and linked to different word types. In particular, those topics that proved to be more problematic when writing were chosen, for example, the declension of more complex nouns, the use of the infinitive and nominative, the use of the modal verbs ‘must’ and ‘can’, the comparison of adjectives, the use of prepositions. When solving the tasks, we get real-time performance feedback. Explanations of grammatical content have also been added to the Knowledge tab.
The section contains a variety of exercises based on authentic examples of use and related to various spelling areas, especially those that cause most problems when writing (the use of punctuation, upper- and lower-case letters, writing words together, separately or with a hyphen, etc.). When solving these exercises, we get real-time performance feedback. Explanations of spelling content have also been added to the Knowledge tab.
Phrasemes and Proverbs
The section includes a variety of exercises and tasks related to the image, meaning and use of phrasemes and proverbs (paremias). When solving the tasks, we get real-time feedback on performance, and in some tasks, it is also possible to self-evaluate your answers. Theoretical explanations of phraseological and paremiological content are available in the Knowledge tab. Complete dictionary descriptions of selected phrasemes and proverbs are also added (FRIDA collection).
The section includes various tasks to work on texts and thus develop communicative language skills, critical reading skills, and learn about the elements of texts or individual text groups. When solving the tasks, we get real-time feedback on our performance, and in some cases, self-evaluation of answers is also enabled. The tasks are based on authentic written and spoken texts and are enriched with explanations found in the Knowledge tab.
Knowledge Database
All four content sections are equipped with explanations of linguistic phenomena and rules, or with the answers to the most frequent content questions. Explanations are available to help solve individual exercises and tasks, and they are also collected in the Knowledge tab.