
The average language user differs between 1600 and 2000 text types or their variants. From this almost indescribable multitude of texts, in the Slovene in the Palm of Your Hand (Slovenščina na dlani) project, we selected those that we most often create (write, speak) or interpret (read, listen) during the educational process and later in life. We selected 26 text groups, among others a complaint, news item, weather forecast, telephone conversation, speaking performance, application form, resume, process description, and popular-scientific article. For each text group, we have collected several authentic examples of texts. In addition to prototypical examples, some innovative ones are also included, since even everyday communication situations are characterized by creativity.

Exercises and tasks concerning text interpretation and formation are based on the collected text examples. Through the exercises, the users of the e-environment develop a critical attitude towards the content of the text, get to know the morphological and semantic characteristics of each text type and text, and thus develop communicative language skills.
Text types
Application form
Popular-scientific article
Weather forecast

Planned and conscious development of communicative language skills.
Acquiring knowledge about language use.
Developing critical reading skills or interpretation of the source text.
Planned and conscious learning about the elements of each text group, and individual text.
The evaluation of answers is largely automatic.
Visual theoretical explanations provide immediate help in task-solving.
A selection of 26 text types that language users often create (write, speak) and interpret (read, listen).
A selection of content and thematic groups that are interesting and important for communication with the target audience.
Creation of the BERTA collection (practical communication texts), which includes 275 authentic texts (also spoken, not only written).
Various stylistic procedures, relationships between participants, communication purposes, and other aspects of text analysis and interpretation are considered when designing tasks.
The exercises are based on current, authentic texts collected in the project.
Task Types
Choose one correct statement.
Choose multiple correct statements.
Tasks of answering questions.
Recognizing, determining and understanding extra-linguistic contextual elements (participant data, place and time of the text creation , place of publication, etc.).
Recognizing, determining and understanding linguistic elements (theme, topic, keywords, content, carrier, the purpose of the text, stylistic process, etc.).
Creating texts (summarizing the original text).
Creating a new text of the same or another text group.