For Teachers
What Are the Advantages of Slovene in the Palm of Your Hand (Slovenščina na dlani)?
It significantly facilitates the teachers’ work.
It enables effective monitoring of learning progress.
It can be included in all phases of the lesson (introductory motivation, main part of the lesson and conclusion) and used as homework, additional or supplementary lessons, research, and project work.
It helps to motivate students through learning materials to solve exercises and tasks.
It focuses on problem areas in writing (spelling and grammar), helps to recognize phrasemes and proverbs, and improves communicative language skills.
Learning is focused on the individual.
Differentiation and individualization of learning are enabled.
It is coordinated with the curricula.
Activities are systematically planned and horizontally and vertically connected.
To a large extent, it enables automatic evaluation of answers and thus immediate feedback on the success of the solution.
It promotes flexible and innovative forms of learning and evaluation (self-evaluation).
It is freely accessible and adapted to work on computers, tablets and smartphones.
It provides free access to learning resources anywhere and anytime, not only in the school environment.
It is easy to use and does not require special preparation time.

What Does Slovene in the Palm of My Hand Enable Me to Do?
Create groups, selec and assign tasks to individuals or groups.
Get insight into the implementation of exercises and the performance of an individual student or group.
Monitor student progress.
Direct learning.
Get feedback on self-assessed answers.
Continuously monitor the performance and progress of individuals and/or groups.

What Work Methods Does the E-environment Enable?
Working with authentic examples.
Working with a passage, or a text.
Working with audio and video recordings.
Collaborative learning.
A method of interpretation.
A method of independent work.