Phrasemes and Proverbs

Phrasemes and proverbs represent an important part of language that is often updated, renewed and used for advertising and other purposes. Despite this, not much attention is paid to them in the curricula and consequently also in the education process. In the Slovene in the Palm of Your Hand (Slovenščina na dlani) project, we tried to eliminate this deficit.
Our starting point is that phrasemes and proverbs can be, with an appropriate didactic approach, a great challenge and motivation for learning/teaching. These are the units that can significantly improve one’s linguistic abilities in oral and written communication and motivate lifelong learning and research.

In this part of the learning e-environment, we have prepared a comprehensive approach to phrasemes and proverbs, adapted to the target users. Based on analyses of familiarity, usage and frequency, we first selected 100 phrasemes and 100 proverbs and prepared comprehensive dictionary descriptions for them in accordance with modern lexicographical principles. We then designed a variety of tasks that will help students get to know and consolidate this area in more detail. The tasks are related to the image, meaning, use, and dictionary description of phrasemes and proverbs. Along with the tasks, students can also use explanations for extra help. These are designed as answers to the questions that might arise during task-solving, e.g., what is characteristic of phrasemes, how do phrasemes and proverbs differ, and what is a variant of a proverb.
Objectivity and occurence
Activity and being
Time and space
Quantity, measure, rate

Increasing phraseological competence among young people.
Getting to know phrasemes and proverbs as the part of the language that is often updated, renewed, and used for advertising and other purposes.
Motivating lifelong learning and research.
Getting to know and consolidating a wide range of phrasemes and proverbs with the help of interactive exercises and creative tasks.
Comprehensive dictionary descriptions of 100 phrasemes and 100 proverbs (FRIDA collection - Phrasemes and Proverbs in the Palm of Your Hand).
Considering the topicality and didactic relevance of the units and their representation in different thematic groups (human, interpersonal relationships, activity and being, objectivity and occurence, time and space, etc.).
Illustrative theoretical explanations that provide immediate help in solving the exercises.
Alignment with the latest knowledge of the profession, updating of terminology.
Automatic evaluation of answers and the possibility of self-evaluation.
Adaptation to target users.
Task Types
Recognizing phrasemes and proverbs in the text, marking their components, completing the missing components.
Recognizing synonyms and antonyms.
Connecting units to their meaning.
Explaining the meaning of the phrasemes and proverbs used in the examples.
Replacing a neutral expression with a phraseological unit and vice versa.
Using phrasemes and/or proverbs in a short text (e.g., writing a horoscope, jokes), etc.