Knowledge Database

All four sets of exercises and tasks (spelling, grammar, phrasemes and proverbs, texts) are complemented with numerous explanations of linguistic phenomena, rules, or linguistic content in general. These explanations are available to help with individual exercises. We have also made it possible to browse them. For this purpose, we have combined them into a special Knowledge Database, which is accessible under a special e-environment tab (Knowledge).

Theoretical explanations of phraseological and paremiological content are available in the Knowledge tab. Comprehensive dictionary descriptions of the selected phrasemes and proverbs are also added (FRIDA collection).

Complement the exercises of individual sections with expert explanations of linguistic phenomena, rules, and concepts.
Provide professional support to the user who encounters problems while solving the exercises.
Enable the deepening and upgrading of knowledge.
Immediate support in solving exercises.
Simple and targeted use (clicking on the icon next to each exercise leads to an explanation relevant to that exercise).
Shorter and longer explanations with examples and illustrations and additional links to relevant explanations online.
Users can browse all explanations and search in the Knowledge tab independently of the exercises associated with them.